Services for Advertisers

Google Ads - Target by Viewer Profile

Use Google AdWords, to place ads on Where2Play pages that will be seen by a viewer profile you define. Google ad campaigns can be defined within a few minutes and will start appearing right away!

You set your budget and pay Google directly for your ads based on your choice of a Cost per Click (CPC) or Cost per Thousand (CPM) model. To place ads directly on Where2Play pages, use Google's placement targeting feature and identify (United States pages) and/or (Canadian pages) as the URL's you wish to target.

Ads originating from Google are given three prominent positions on Where2Play page:

  1. Box Ads Image Only (300 x 250 pixels) - very visible at the top right of all pages.

  2. Text Ads - positioned under the image box ad at the top right of all pages.

  3. Banner Ads Image (468 x 60 pixels) or Text - placed at the bottom of all listing pages.

Take a few minutes and start your campaign today, visit...